Shorecrest School

Celebrate Together!

Head of School Letter Head of School Letter

This first week of May has been chock full of fun and significant events, as we celebrate our students and our faculty. It is also Teacher Appreciation Week, as SCA honors teachers throughout the week with treats and messages of support and thanks. This week highlights the many relationships that have been built within the Shorecrest community and provides an opportunity for us to reflect and express what we most value: the people of Shorecrest. 

Monday was National College Decision Day, which our seniors celebrated by wearing T-shirts with the names of their college destinations and having a special breakfast with their Lower School buddies, sitting together at tables under the Weiss Family Pavilion. Some of the younger Chargers could barely eat their muffins and fruit -- they were so busy chattering away with the big kids. Others sat quietly in awe, as the patient seniors drew them out, asking questions and encouraging conversation. 

As the twelfth graders headed back to Landy Hall, they were greeted by a chorus of kindergarteners, who sang two songs specifically prepared for the event. It was a magical moment of connecting our students across the grades, and celebrating why we love being a place where children of all ages learn and grow together. 

Advanced Placement testing began this week and their administration will continue on to next week. These three-hours exams are the culmination of rigorous year-long courses and enable students to earn college credit and course placement at their colleges and universities. 211 Upper Schoolers will take 458 exams during these two weeks. We celebrate our students’ commitment to challenging themselves and wish them much success on these AP exams.   

Our Alpha students faced another kind of challenge this week, one where they triumphantly overcame the speed bumps of Alpha on the Go! Showcasing their confidence, determination and skills, these 3 and 4 year-olds rode their scooters, trikes and bicycles in front of a large, cheering and adoring crowd of family members, teachers and friends in our much beloved tradition. The best part for me was celebrating with each Charger after they dismounted from their successful journey, sharing a high-five and seeing their big smiles.   

Our athletes continued in their postseason competitions this past week, with the Baseball and Softball teams completing their seasons in the District Semifinals games. The Track & Field team will compete in their Regional meet tomorrow (Saturday) and individual athletes will continue on to the State finals the following Saturday. Members of the tennis teams also competed in the State final matches. We celebrate our athletes’ successes on the field and court; and especially prize their good sportsmanship throughout their competitions. 

Tonight is another Shorecrest tradition which celebrates the performing arts. Students in Upper School theater classes will perform in a coffeehouse format for each other in the Black Box Theatre. A theater awards assembly will follow where our performers will be honored and celebrated.

What better way to celebrate our students and teachers than by giving back? Their incredible achievements this year are made possible with our community's generosity to the Shorecrest Fund—which provides immediate resources for student and teacher needs year after year. 

Join the celebration this week by making a gift to the Shorecrest Fund. Your gifts support the people and programs that make the Shorecrest experience exceptional for each and every Charger. 

All the best, 

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