Shorecrest School

JK Mobiles: Our Special Selves

Experiential School News Experiential School News

Junior Kindergartners in Ms. Summers' class recently created mobile projects entitled "Our Special Selves." First the children thought about what makes them special, what is special to them, and other things they may want to show on their mobile. Some responses included:
My family is special. I love my sister! I really like animals. My dog and my cats. I really really like superheroes! I'm kind. I like to be helpful. I like cats. They are furry and I love them. I like the sun! I like to ride my bike. I do that with my family. I like my friends. My toys are special. I like vehicles so much.
Beading and wire work to create the mobile structure allowed for creativity (I want to make this look like a rainbow!), mathematical thinking (I made a pattern!), and fine motor work (this is really hard to get on the wire!) Children had the opportunity to choose beads from the class collection and also make their own beads with Shrinky Dinks, wood and paint. Children made independent choices and also worked together by admiring each other's work, borrowing and extending ideas, and making suggestions to each other. 
Throughout the year, students create self portraits - and adults can view these depictions over time to monitor growth and more. For their final self portraits of the year, each of the Chargers posed for a photo and used the photo as inspiration for a drawing to be hung from their mobile. Their portraits have developed so much over the year and children take their time creating their images and telling a story of who they are.

The final mobiles were hung in the ES Exploratorium for everyone to admire. 

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