Shorecrest School

Morning Announcements in The Experiential School

Experiential School News

Mornings in The Experiential School start with announcements over an intercom. Mrs. Adriana Hollenbeck, Head of The Experiential School, follows a script that is written daily and is meant to:

  • Greet children
  • Give a bright start to the day
  • Develop school spirit
  • Share news
  • Introduce greetings and days of the week in Spanish
  • Celebrate birthdays
  • Share fun facts about… you name it!
  • Play songs

Adriana offers children an opportunity to participate in the announcements. They often volunteer, and sometimes they are invited to join her in the office and use the intercom.

"The little ones in Alpha think it’s magical that my voice comes through the speakers," she reflects. "Today the special guest was Sam M. who helped make the announcements and played and sang one of his favorite songs. We know children love this tradition!"

Today’s script was:

Good morning! Buenos dias.
This is Mrs. Hollenbeck and Sam with your morning announcements.
Hoy es Viernes. Today is Friday, August 25, 2023.

Today it is Chiara’s birthday. Have a happy day, girl! We hope you have a super duper birthday!

Today it is also Banana Split day. Did you know that a cluster of bananas is called a “hand” and consists of 10 to 20 individual bananas, also known as fingers? We normally say we will go buy a bunch of bananas, but the right way to say it is a hand of bananas! I guess we learn something new every day.

My friend Sam wants me to play this song for you and he hopes you all like it very much.

Que tengan un gran día. Have a wonderful day and “Goooo Experiential School!”



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