Shorecrest School

Early Days

Head of School Letter

The first full week of the 2023-2024 school is complete and all of us are settling into the rhythm and routines of the new school year. 

I start each morning at the Experiential School carline drop off. Alpha students are still learning about their new school environment. Some are a bit teary in the morning; but most are adjusting well to their new routines. Returning JK students have a swagger in their step, confidently knowing the ropes and without hesitation, sticking out their hands, ready to grasp ahold of their fourth grade Patrol member as they walk toward Charger Commons. 

Lower School had its first Town Meeting this morning, gathering together in the Weiss Family Pavilion. There was a sense of coming home, of joy in being together as a community. In one voice, the students and faculty recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lower School motto, complete with hand motions. “At Shorecrest Preparatory School, we respect ourselves, each other and the environment!” It was a wonderful moment. 

The Middle and Upper Schools had their first weekly Morning Meetings this past Monday, starting off the school year with community gathering and the setting of expectations. In Middle School the focus is on being kind and doing the right thing. Members of the Upper School Student Leadership group introduced a new Core Values Pledge, where students state, “I promise to be responsible and respectful, to act with integrity, and to show compassion in my pursuit of knowledge and in my interactions with others.” Morning Meetings also include announcements about clubs and activities and highlight upcoming athletic events. Middle School students offer updates on what each grade is studying, and there is often a friendly game among the Upper School grades to earn points in a year-long competition.

We have had great feedback about the new School Store. Many people have loved the spirit wear, clothing options, school supplies and convenience. The primary purpose of the store is to enhance our sense of community and provide a service. In particular, we want to enable Upper School students to have access to food and beverages at the end of the class day, before after-school activities and sports. There are healthy options for purchase: hummus, granola bars, popchips and water, in addition to other snack foods. As a reminder, the Store is open from 11am-4:30pm and is only available to Upper School students and adults. Students younger than 9th grade must have a parent or guardian to purchase items. 

We have made some adjustments to carline procedures. Morning carline seems to be running smoothly and we ask for patience in the afternoon as the pick-up process settles in. One way to speed up the carline at the end of the day is to ensure that every single car has a name placard present and visible on the dashboard. We appreciate your understanding as we dismiss over a thousand students within a 60-minute window of time each and every day. 

Finally, I would like to quote Mrs. Adriana Hollenbeck, Head of The Experiential School, who expressed the importance of these early days of school for our youngest students. While she is referring to 3-and 4 year-olds, the reality is that this sentiment applies to all ages and students at Shorecrest.

“The early weeks of each new school year offer us a variety of opportunities and challenges. It is during this time—when expectations and routines are established, rules generated, and goals articulated—that the foundation is laid for a productive and cooperative year of learning.”

If these early days are any indication of the months to come, it is going to be an incredible school year! 

All the best, 



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