Shorecrest School

What Children Learn while Exploring

Experiential School News

Walking around The Experiential School of Tampa Bay to learn about the latest explorations teachers have set up for students is one of my favorite parts of my job as Head of The Experiential School. I am often invited to prevent towers from collapsing, to use cutters and stamps on play dough, to share my musings about wooden puppetry, or to draw alongside some of my young friends.

As we observe what children do, here are some skills and thinking abilities we wish they (and we!) develop:

  • Persistence
  • Managing impulsivity
  • Listening to others with understanding and empathy
  • Thinking flexibly
  • Thinking about thinking (metacognition)
  • Striving for accuracy
  • Questioning and posing problems
  • Applying past knowledge to new situations
  • Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision
  • Gathering data through all senses
  • Creating, imagining, innovating
  • Responding with wonderment and awe
  • Taking responsible risks
  • Finding humor
  • Thinking interdependently
  • Remaining open to continuous learning

Learning is a lifelong adventure celebrated daily at The Experiential School!


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