Shorecrest School

Planting Seeds of Fun and Flavor

Experiential School News

Alpha students in Ms. Vicky's and Ms. Dominique's class have been fascinated by seeds! This particular interest started in the fall when the students were working on two investigations at the same time: dots and flowers. The two topics collided when the students realized that flowers have seeds and seeds are dots!

A central question for their inquiry became: how do seeds become plants? They explored this topic by growing pinto beans in bags and taping them to the windows for direct sunlight. They watched the beans germinate and grow bigger inside the bag. After about 3 weeks, they had grown so big that they needed more space, so they replanted them in soil inside cups. They watched the beans continue to grow on the windowsill! Then they repeated the entire process with lima beans, and each child predicted what they thought would happen to the beans.

The young Chargers also discovered that seeds can be used in multiple ways. In the school kitchen they prepared various dishes made with seeds. They made bean dip with kidney beans, chia seed pudding, and lemon poppy seed muffins.

Families were invited into the classroom to see what was blooming. Together everyone enjoyed was a planting station, a seed removal station with peppers and apples, and a seed observation station with a microscope and magnifying glasses. Of course everyone also had a chance to try the delicious food the students made with seeds.

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