Shorecrest School

Head of School Letter: Seventh and Eighth Grade Class Trips

Head of School Letter

Each year Shorecrest Middle Schoolers embark on class trips. The highlight for the seventh and eighth grade is a multi-day, overnight excursion. The seventh and eighth grade class trips tie into their history curriculum and provide an opportunity for exposure to other parts of the state and the country. Chaperoned by Shorecrest faculty members, these trips provide lifelong memories for students as they visit historic sites and spend time with their classmates in a new setting. On both trips, teachers often use various scavenger hunts or simple assignments to make the connection back to what the students are learning in class. 

Known for its Spanish architecture and its reputation as being the oldest city in the United States, St. Augustine is the site of the annual seventh grade trip. This trip coincides with the seventh grade history curriculum which starts with the founding of early Florida history and then spends time focusing on the Native American population. The curriculum content is designed to match up with the timing of the St. Augustine trip.

During the three days that the seventh grade spends in St. Augustine, their itinerary includes museums and other historic sites. Chargers tour the Old Florida Museum, The Florida Agricultural Museum and the Shipwreck Museum. Other activities include exploring the Castillo San Marcos Fort and Old Jail. An evening is spent at a local alligator farm and includes the excitement of feeding live alligators. The trip also includes a visit to the famed Fountain of Youth, discovered by Spanish explorer Ponce De Leon (although to be honest, I feel as though the impact of the Fountain of Youth may be lost on 12- & 13-year-olds…)

According to current ninth graders, some of their favorite moments from the trip to St. Augustine was the sunset ride on the ferry boat and the climb up the endless stairs to the top of the St. Augustine Lighthouse to enjoy the amazing panoramic view from 140 feet in the air. They also enjoyed exploring the oldest street in St. Augustine. 

The eighth graders spend four days in the nation’s capital. Their trip to Washington, D.C. is chock full of monuments and sight-seeing. Along with faculty chaperones, the tour guides on this trip often are former teachers who provide our students with a classroom on wheels. They engage the students on the bus with information and teach them as they go around to the many attractions.

Students have the opportunity to visit the US Capitol, Arlington National Cemetery, the Iwo Jima Marine Memorial, the White House and view the Washington Monument. In addition, they explore the Jefferson Memorial, the FDR Memorial, the US Botanical Gardens and Ford’s Theater. Museum visits include the Natural History Museum, The Museum of American History, The Holocaust Museum, the Air & Space Museum and the African American History Museum. Of course a visit to Washington, D.C. would not be complete without a stop at Mount Vernon! 

Looking back, current ninth graders say that the International Spy Museum was the museum highlight of the trip. Their favorite activity was the moon-lit evening visit to the Lincoln Memorial, where they also were very moved by the tributes left by the wall of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. 

In addition to the various historical attractions, many of the students said that spending time together at the hotel made the trip very special. It was a good chance to connect with others in a new setting. Students also felt as though they made different friends because they were able to see others from a different perspective. It was also a great opportunity for teachers and students to connect off-campus in a different setting.

Exploring new environments is an essential part of experiential learning. Middle School students have the opportunity to travel to new places, learn about the history of our state and country, spend time together and represent the School as ambassadors of Shorecrest.  

All the best, 



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