Shorecrest School

Gifts We Do Not See

Head of School Letter

One of the things I have learned as a bird watcher is that it is easy to miss amazing occurrences that are right under my nose. Birders will tell me about a hawk or warbler that they saw on campus and I regrettably missed them.
Similarly, it is easy to miss some pretty amazing events that happen right under our noses at Shorecrest. While Ebytes is filled with news about the LEGO Robotics Team, Thespians, Athletic teams and other students who recently achieved high levels of success, commentator Paul Harvey taught us well that there are often “other stories” that are equally fascinating and noteworthy.
This past week I had a parent tell me that her daughter, who is a freshman at a well known university, has found that so many of her classmates come to her for support with college calculus that she needs to study in isolation in order to complete her own work. I know the girl and know she is pleased to help her classmates. But the other story that her mom was celebrating was the great instruction her daughter received while at Shorecrest.

Stories of appreciation about Shorecrest teachers are common amongst graduates and our parents. A few weeks ago, I had a parent tell me that she realizes she had taken for granted what her son was receiving at Shorecrest. The young man had to go away to college and demonstrate how well prepared he was before his mother realized that their investment in education had paid off more than they expected.
We will never know all of the efforts; actions and sacrifices parents/guardians make for their children. The hugs, kind words, special meals, time spent together, challenges and opportunities often remain private between the child and his/her parents/guardians. 

The same can be said of the interactions between our teachers and their students. No one will ever know about some of the incredible acts of support and nurture teachers offer to their students. During those moments when I see a teacher comforting a student, giving private help, laughing together, or giving counsel, I realize I am only seeing the tip of the iceberg of the relationship the teachers and students develop. Just like the birds I miss, we all miss many amazing events that make the school experience positive for our children.
Our community has just completed another very special Holiday Gift Drive. For many in our community, this is a time of year when gift giving is a part of the traditions practiced. I hope we use this time of year to remind our children and ourselves of the gifts of support that are given all year round from parents, teachers, directors and our coaches.


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