Shorecrest School

Communication - Being a Role Model

Head of School Letter

One of the most viewed Ted Talks during 2014 was Julian Treasure’s talk, “How to Speak so that People Want to Listen.” In his presentation he cites four cornerstones of effective speaking and uses H.A.I.L. as an acronym to remember the ideas:
H = Honesty
A = Authenticity
I  = Integrity
L = Love
Mr. Treasure also identifies habits that he refers to as the "seven deadly sins of speaking". They include: Gossip, Judging, Negativity, Complaining, Excuses, Lying and Dogmatism.
What do we model for our children? Do we teach them that they can honestly and openly express concerns with their parents, with other authority figures and/or with their friends? Or, do we allow them to fall into one of Mr. Treasure’s seven habits and never achieve satisfactory resolutions to issues?
I have found that the people in my life who are kind but firm, caring but direct, honest and interested in mutual understanding are incredibly effective. They build stronger relationships and they strengthen their families and the communities in which they live. Their feedback, counsel and support encourage positive progress. Just the opposite can be said for people who fall into the habit of using one of the seven deadly sins of speaking.
One of the strategic initiatives faculty and staff continue to address at Shorecrest is to ensure the social and emotional health of the members of our community. If you are one who sets new goals at the beginning of the year, you may want to consider how you can support your children and our community by teaching and modeling the H.A.I.L. cornerstones. I will encourage my colleagues to focus on positive and constructive communication. Our united efforts will provide our children with environments and skills that will assist them in being the successful students and leaders we strive for them to be.


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