Shorecrest School


Head of School Letter

The advantage of having a dedicated Service Week for our Upper School students is that it allows a time for students and teachers to have a concentrated experience to learn and serve on projects, causes or with an organization. Many students will move one step closer to developing a commitment to social responsibility because of service week.
Our Director of Admissions, Dr. Jean Spencer-Carnes, was at the College Board meeting this past week. She heard a panel of university presidents report that one of the most important skills college students need to have is the ability to know how to become a part of the university community. In short, universities thrive when students engage with the full community. One could say the same for independent schools, cities, nations and the world. Our children will be better able to lead and thrive in communities they are able to embrace.
Service is one of many ways students learn to become engaged with their communities. Whether the students are volunteering at Great Explorations, a local Habitat for Humanity project or one of the international experiences, they have the opportunity to develop skills that will lead to positive citizenship and community involvement. 
I am appreciative of the teachers and students who work to organize service opportunities and to build positive partnerships and relationships with local, national and global organizations. Our hope is that many of the service learning experiences will lead to lifetime interests and will benefit our partners as well as our students.

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