Shorecrest School

Appreciative Inquiry: The Power of Positive Thinking

Head of School Letter

About 70 parents have participated in Appreciative Inquiry (AI) sessions at Shorecrest in the past two weeks. In a school setting, AI sessions encourage people to reflect on the most positive experience they have had surrounding a specific element of operations. When we listen to trustees, parents, students or teachers engaged in AI, we learn what is going well and can plan to duplicate or enhance those experiences in other areas of school life.

For example, when asked to reflect on activities that best promote a community spirit, many parents shared stories about the Holiday Gift Drive, Spirit Night and the New Parent Ambassador Program. Our challenge is to create the same spirit in all of our community activities. 

The AI approach can be very helpful for parents trying to maintain positive and open communication with their children. Parents of athletes have many opportunities. There are great articles, books and programs that counsel parents of athletes how to support their children after a practice, game or competition. Deconstruction (critical evaluation) of a son or daughter’s performance is never recommended unless the child asks for the advice. “I loved seeing you and your team play so hard today,” is a highly recommended pearl of advice. Using the AI approach allows student-athletes and parents to focus on the best moments and lessons of a practice or competition rather than anything that went wrong.

Using the AI approach to discuss a child’s day allows everyone to focus on what is going well and then determines how to duplicate that positive experience to other areas of the child’s life. It is very tempting to interview our children for pain.  Asking, “Was every one nice to you today?” or  “Did the teacher give you special attention today?” is very different than asking, “What were the best parts of your day?” Knowingly or not, some people find power in letting others be victims so a rescuer/hero can emerge.

In short, I am convinced that children, families and schools can grow stronger, develop independence and be emotionally healthy when we use a positive approach to make improvements. At Shorecrest, we encourage Choice, Support and Balance in all we do. Let’s find the most positive ways to deliver those goals.



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Hear from faculty and students sharing exceptional moments of leadership, exceeded expectations, service and guidance.

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