Shorecrest School


Head of School Letter

In the book Zero to Oneauthor Peter Thiel, one of the founders of PayPal as well as a number of other successful companies, talks about the critical nature of the team that makes one company succeed and another one fail.

Thiel attributes the success of PayPal to the team and its intense dedication to the mission. In fact, he describes a successful organization as “a tribe of like-minded people fiercely devoted to the organization’s mission.” This “tribe” is attracted to the organization for the “opportunity to do irreplaceable work on a unique problem alongside great people.” 

Schools are not typically known for innovation. Go into most schools today and they look and feel a lot like the schools that many of us parents or grandparents attended when we were children. What differentiates schools from each other today are the people who are involved with them, whether they are faculty, staff, parents, grandparents or other community members. When members of the school community are committed to the children and faculty, that trust allows for a supportive environment where teachers can innovate, resulting in greater opportunities for our students.

Ask any member of the Shorecrest faculty who came to the school within the last three to five years if they can remember what drew them to Shorecrest. I expect you will hear them speak about the quality of their colleagues, their dedication to young people, and the innovative practices taking place on our campus. Ask parents what they value most about Shorecrest and you will hear “the quality of the faculty.” In fact that was what came through loud and clear in a series of interviews with Shorecrest parents last fall!

Shorecrest’s commitment to our faculty must continue to be as strong as our commitment to children - for they are inseparable in terms of quality of education. This commitment means supporting their professional development, providing quality benefits and competitive salaries, and providing a work environment of support and trust. Resources are essential in order to provide such support for our faculty - resources in the form of philanthropic gifts to the school and a tuition structure that can support this commitment. We recognize this is a significant commitment for our families and we thank you for your partnership to support our great people doing irreplaceable work.

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