Shorecrest School

Tradition and Change

Head of School Letter

In the blink of an eye, the winter holidays have arrived! For many, the change of pace allows time to be with family and friends, to enjoy traditions and try new adventures. For others, these days will be used to recharge and prepare for the coming year.
The SCA sponsored Holiday Gift Drive is a Shorecrest tradition that reminds all of us about the needs of many in the greater community, and at the same time of the enormous generosity of our Shorecrest community. When our students deliver their gifts to the gym, our children can be distracted by the festive environment created by the thousands of brightly-wrapped presents. Experienced teachers, parents and guardians help remind our students about the wishes and needs of children in the Guardian ad Litem program, whom the presents will support.
The winter break is one of many opportunities for families to celebrate traditions that become lasting memories and an important part of the value system for many of our children.
There are people around the globe who use the coming of the New Year as a time to contemplate new goals and aspirations. For many, they have a tradition surrounding the planning for change and improvement.
In the past week, I reviewed the comments and data provided to the school from the results of the community survey that was conducted in late October. While a Board Committee and the Accreditation Committee will use the results for future planning, I will also use the recommendations and thoughts as we work to improve the school. Goals, choices and changes will need to be made in our efforts to best serve current and future generations of Shorecrest students and their families. We will be sharing those goals and choices with you when we return.
I move into the Winter Holidays with a deep sense of gratitude for the teachers and staff who have dedicated themselves to the education of our Shorecrest Chargers. I deeply appreciate the parents and guardians who have not only committed resources to send their children to our school, but have also worked to instill in their children the importance of academics, athletics, arts, service, integrity and hard work. My gratitude is extended to the Board, SCA, Boosters, State of the Arts Committees, Grade Representatives and other volunteers who contribute in many ways to build a vibrant school community.

Last but certainly not least, I feel gratitude for our Shorecrest students. Our children work hard. As they get older, their progress is regularly celebrated for both individual and team successes. But even our youngest children contribute to building the culture and fabric of our community. Whether by demonstrating acts of kindness to each other, or by their achievements that raise the bar for success for classmates, all of their contributions unite to build a positive and memorable school experience for all of us.
I wish you all a delightful Holiday Season and a Grand New Year!


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