Shorecrest School


Head of School Letter

While all decisions made at Shorecrest, or at any great school, need to be centered on the good of the students and the Mission of the school, teachers are and always will be the heart and soul of a school.

Whether students are gifted or challenged, whether parents are involved or not, whether there are great or minimal resources, students will not reach their full potential and schools will not thrive without great teachers. Trustees, administrators, staff, parents, students and alumni all play vital roles but in the first and final analysis, teachers are the single most important factor in a successful education.

Mr. Jaroff at the Bullis School and Dr. O’Donnell at University of Dayton were the two teachers who had the greatest impact on my life as a student. I am sure there were teachers who came before and after them that added greatly to the overall educational experience, but these two teachers changed my life.

Like some of the mentors I have had during my career, these two teachers spoke to my heart. They challenged me in ways that made the risks both safe and adventurous. I understand they were not everyone’s favorite teachers. They connected to me partly because of their talent and partly because I was ready and open to their influence when they arrived in my life. Like any great relationship, many factors came together at the same time.

I am fortunate to be surrounded by great teachers at Shorecrest. I am the fortunate beneficiary of great stories and thoughtful praise for many of them. At the same time, there will be the occasional moment when a student does not have the fabulous experience that others have reported.

Each year when I interview the members of the incoming senior class I hear about the teachers, coaches and directors who up to that time have had the most significant influence on their lives. Annually I am reminded that different students connect with the different personalities and the talents that teachers offer to them. While I believe there are characteristics needed to be a successful teacher, I realize that there is not a one-size-fits-all formula for being great for the individual students who enter the school and classrooms, fields, courts and stages.

Teaching is more challenging than ever before. The career calls for people who can connect with students, collaborate with peers, be invested in a lifelong dedication to embracing the art and craft of teaching and learning, become technologically competent, have exceptional communication skills and be able to adapt to changes happening with children and the learning environments available to them.

Cheers to the women and men who have dedicated their lives to the well-being and education of our children. They are the life changers and in many cases the lifesavers of our society. Teachers, thanks for all you do.

Please join me in thanking our teachers next week during Shorecrest's celebration of Teacher Appreciation!



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