Shorecrest School

Be More

Head of School Letter

Convocation 2016 opened with a message to our Upper School faculty and student body to Be More, or as Frank Kaley, founding Headmaster at Pace Academy once wrote, “to have the courage to strive for excellence.”

The students heard stories of four very different examples of individuals who have modeled the philosophy of Be More. Interestingly, but unsurprisingly, all four examples involved people and events that over time had evoked a range of emotions.

LeBron James infuriated all Cleveland sports fans when he left the team to join the Miami Heat and be a part of a championship program. His return to Cleveland and fulfillment of a promise and dream to bring a championship to the city after a 52-year painful drought was a reason to celebrate. The LeBron James Foundation $40 million dollar gift to the University of Akron to fund college scholarships for talented students in his hometown is an example of a great athlete being more.

The next example is Muhammad Ali, a gold medalist boxer, three-time Heavyweight Champion, likely the best known Muslim in the world, and a dedicated and committed advocate for peace. Whether one has the image of Ali knocking out Sonny Liston in 1964 or receiving the Medal of Freedom from President Bush in 2005, he stands as an example of a great boxer who showed all people how to Be More.

Frank Cerabrino’s editorial following the attack on gay friendly Pulse Nightclub in Orlando which resulted in the deaths of 49 people and dozens of other injuries, reminded us that the efforts of LGBT and other civil leaders have brought us closer as a society of humankind. “Us not Them,” focused on the changing attitudes that have made a movement for gay rights become a broader quest for human rights. Clearly, our society has a long way to go before the human rights of all people are equally respected, but we have made progress because of the many people who have modeled this idea to Be More.

Finally, our community needs very little reminder of how our greatest volunteer, colleague, department chair, trustee, benefactor and friend, Janet Root showed us everyday how to Be More. Janet’s influence reached far beyond the arts and humanities department that she built with a fabulous team of professionals. Janet and her husband, Dr. Allen Root, impacted arts, medical, academic, Jewish, and sports programs throughout the region and nation. Janet Root was the epitome of an individual who had the courage to strive for excellence and to Be More.

So, we begin the 2016-17 school year ready to support our students, their parents and our faculty in their efforts to exceed expectations and Be More. I look forward to being on the journey with all of you.



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