Shorecrest School

Planning for the Future

Head of School Letter

Which of the nine Strategic Imperatives have you selected as the top five for Shorecrest to address? If we had unlimited human and financial resources, we would tackle all nine tomorrow.

However, we, like most schools and other businesses, need to prioritize and direct our resources where they will have the greatest impact on current and future students. You can select your top five initiatives by taking the survey here. [TAKE THE SURVEY]

The survey will take no more than 10 minutes, but the decision we make will impact our children and school for the coming decade. Our consultants for the strategic planning process brought to us years of experience as independent school leaders. Their insights into the work of the most innovative and high-achieving international and national schools raised our sights and sparked our imaginations.

The nine imperatives have emerged from the feedback provided over the past 15 months from  parents, trustees, faculty, staff and students. The action items represent a sample of the  possibilities that will continue to prepare our students for opportunities to Be More than if they were not exposed to these proposed developments.

The feedback and input from our parents, trustees, faculty, staff, students and alumni is vital for our continued growth and development at Shorecrest. Your involvement will be appreciated.

Cheers ... And have a wonderful spring break!


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