Shorecrest School


Head of School Letter

According to reports, $6.6 billion - that’s $6,600,000,000 - was spent on Cyber Monday 2017. That’s a lot of zeros and a ton of holiday gifts and other purchases. I guess that a significant portion of the $6.6 billion was spent by buyers who are glad to give gifts to people they appreciate and love.   

As I write, Giving Tuesday begins. In 2016, $168 million - that’s $168,000,000 - was donated to non-profit organizations. That was a 44% increase over 2015, and the average gift was around $107. Clearly many people are willing to give to organizations they trust and appreciate.

We just finished our Thanksgiving holiday. For many people, Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday because it is a time when many gather as families and celebrate what we are thankful for, rather than what we receive in presents. Thanksgiving is hardly restful, especially for those who buy the food, prepare the meal(s) and clean up for guests and family members. Nonetheless, it is for many, a time of joy and a time to give thanks.

Some pretty smart people had the idea of putting Giving Tuesday after Cyber Monday. The idea has generated millions of dollars for food banks, hospitals, environmental organizations, schools, and all forms of social service agencies. Clearly, people like to be engaged in collective activities, otherwise, days like Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday would not be so successful.

However, in the world I live in, I see people giving every day. It may be the teacher who gives a student a hug of support. It might be a member of the maintenance team who helps a community member fix a flat tire. It might be the parent volunteer who reads or provides a lesson to a class. Every night when I drive home, I see our Annual Fund thermometer and I am reminded of the increasingly high percentage of the parents /guardians who make donations to that important fund. For the past two years, I have been with families who have made significant gifts to the school and the Transform Campaign to ensure that present day and future generations of students in our community will have the best facilities, programs, and teachers. These givers are not waiting for a special day to give. They understand that the time is now.

Those of us who have moved around the country and world, as well as those of us who have the opportunity to visit schools as part of our careers, realize that the philanthropic support of a community can make the difference between good and great schools. Being asked to give is part of being in an independent school community. Because a school like Shorecrest plays a vital role in the educational fabric of our city, county, region and state, we can make a good case for support. Our children, our teachers, and our community are a shining light in our region.

Shorecrest is able to have great plans for development because of the generosity and support of our community. I am thankful for those who support our school and for those who share the message that exciting times are ahead for our school community. If Tuesday was your time to give - great! We will be appreciative whenever you are moved to support our school’s children and vision.



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