When Community and Family Merge
Source/Author: Mike Murphy, Headmaster
December 22, 2017
People who are sensitive to the words we use in our language may note that I tend to use the word community when speaking of the collective members of families, students, teachers, staff, alumni, and friends who make up our Shorecrest supporters and friends. Yet, at times like this, I think of the community as family.
The service and care from Shorecrest Cares and hundreds of other acts of kindness given by children and families show how community and family merge.
When Irma arrived, our hearts and minds went to family first. Remember the group of fathers who volunteered to repair damage to homes, to refill refrigerators and to provide meals?
When Monica was diagnosed with cancer, our instincts drove us to Shorecrest Cares and our family-first reaction.
When Maddie’s father and Judi’s husband passed away at Thanksgiving the Shorecrest Family gathered not just for a day but for the time that was needed to provide comfort and support.
These are just a few of the times during recent months that the community came together as a family.
Undoubtedly, there have been teams, classes, theatre groups, clubs, and other activities where members have spent so much time together, experiencing intense or emotional times, that they have become as close as siblings. Teachers, coaches, directors, and sponsors often realize that a group is becoming a new family. It is wonderful when this happens.
So, here we are at the Holiday Season. Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, New Year, and other celebrations will fill the lives of many. For believers and non-believers, this time of year gives us the opportunity to be with family and friends. Those of us who are caught up in the cycle of school life know that this is an important time to break from the busy and full lives the students, teachers, and their families experience. Like with any family, a little space can be a good thing.
Admittedly, I like the return of the community in January more than I like the beginning of the school year. The first four months prime our students for the enormous growth that happens between January and May. It is prime time for teaching and learning. The New Year energizes most people and provides a time to set goals and commit to improvement. The energy in the hallways and classrooms on that first day back is nuclear, and reminds people like me that the time together does transform the community into a family.
I wish all of our Shorecrest community members a wonderful break and look forward to your return in January! 2018 is primed to be a special time for our students, their teachers, and our School Community.