Source/Author: Mike Murphy, Headmaster
November 16, 2018
I am going to borrow a page from columnist Ernest Hooper’s playbook. Every Monday morning as he highlights people and events in Tampa Bay in the "Tampa Bay Times" he always notes a bumper sticker that has caught his eye. I saw one the other day and regardless of one’s political leanings, the message triggered a thought as we head into Thanksgiving season. Seen on the bumper sticker were the words, “Make America Grateful Again.” Admittedly, I did not realize America was not grateful but the turn of the MAGA message got me thinking.
Thanksgiving is for many people the best holiday of the year. It is an all-American day. For many it represents a time for family gatherings, games, football and great meals. It is also a time when many reflect on the good fortune experienced over the past year. The expressions of thanksgiving, people being grateful, is my favorite part of the holiday.
As a child and even as a young adult, my father’s repeated Thanksgiving prayer for the good health experienced by family members was not as clearly understood as it is today. Anyone who personally has experienced health challenges or who has cared for someone with less than ideal health understands that ill health can overshadow all other blessings. Having success in a career, at school, with a college acceptance, on an athletic team or on a stage loses its glow if poor health becomes a part of our lives. Physical and emotional health are great blessing for which we can be grateful.
Many people will think of family and friends when asked to list the top three things for which they are grateful. As thrilling as it may be for our favorite team to win on rivalry weekend, family and friends bring lasting lessons and important blessings.
I am particularly thankful for the dedication and generosity of time, spirit and resources members of the Shorecrest community provide to our school. Our trustees, faculty and staff do good work for our school that far exceeds the job descriptions presented when they were recruited. Parent and family leaders make many of our most treasured traditions and community events possible. Students and alumni engage with each other and in school activities in ways that create the short-term and long-term experiences and memories that can and often do bind them together into adulthood.
I am grateful for being in a community that cares about children and is committed to ensuring that St. Petersburg and Tampa Bay have a school committed to preparing the next generation of leaders. I am thankful for the adults and children who go the proverbial extra mile to make life better for themselves and those around them.
I am grateful for all of our Charger Community. Happy Thanksgiving.
And as Mr. Hooper would note, “That’s all I’m saying.”