Shorecrest School

Time to Commence

Head of School Letter

At 3pm on Sunday, May 20, the students in the Shorecrest Class of 2018 will begin their Commencement exercises and will be launched into a new phase of their lives. A few days later our other students will complete their school year, head into summer activities and be ready for the next step in their educational experiences. While we rightfully have special ceremonies for our seniors as they head off to college, the fact is, all children make a significant leap forward each year. We can celebrate the advancement of all our students.

The end of a school year can be a very stressful time for students, their families and the faculty. End of year tests, papers and projects combined with the anticipated changes that will come with the end of a year can be disruptive. It is normal for seniors to push away from family and friends. It is normal for younger children to become clingy with the teachers with whom they have bonded and developed a deep sense of trust. It is also normal for people to become impatient with the demands of school when vacation and a change of pace is so close. Knowing that these behaviors are normal and predictable allow us to not feel alone during the struggles.

At the same time, the end of the year, like Commencement, is an opportunity to celebrate the success and growth of the individuals and classes that make up the school. Admittedly, one of the great joys of my position is being able to present the graduating class at Commencement. It is a joy to see students who started at Shorecrest as young children who could not read or write, now shine as Presidential, National Merit, and Global Scholars. I love seeing the student who was a late bloomer. The Late Bloomers and their families know that the challenges of early years are now blossoming into passions and success.

While I would like for every person to have the “time of their life” while at Shorecrest, I would sure hate to think that high school was the highlight of any person’s life. As much as we want the experiences at Shorecrest to be memorable and inspiring, what we really want is to provide our students with experiences so they will be able to Be More when they move to the next grade or next stage of their lives.

We are excited to be Transforming our campus. Our graduates will not recognize the campus when they return a year from now. We are equally excited about the transformations that have occurred in the lives of our graduates because of the educational experiences they have had at Shorecrest. After the Chair of the Board of Trustees hands the diplomas and I move the tassel on each mortar board, we will watch a young person walk across the stage to receive an alumni pin and begin an exciting new adventure. We will see young people who have completed a college preparatory curriculum, who have learned the importance of Core Values and service to others and have been encouraged to Be More. I have faith that they will thrive.


To watch 2018 Commencement live, visit starting at 3pm on Sunday, May 20. 

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