Shorecrest School

A note to students, Summer 2018

Head of School Letter

Dear Shorecrest Students:
As of this morning there are 982 of you. You range in ages from 3 to 19.
Shorecrest is beginning our 95th year as a school in St. Petersburg.
The 74 seniors, Class of 2019, will be the 43rd Graduating Class.
Most of you will be able to read this letter. Some of you will need help. All of you are able to understand the message.
First, I hope you and your families are having a positive and productive summer. I hope you are reading, playing, seeing family and friends, earning money, developing skills, training for sports and arts, doing service and relaxing. When we come back to school, I want all of us to focus on one goal: Be nice and respectful to everyone. You may want to watch this TED Talk with your family, with some friends, or just by yourself. The speaker has some great thoughts about the power of kindness:
Our Shorecrest Honor Pledge asks us to do the following: “I agree to be personally and academically honest and to treat others with respect and courtesy.” Every word in the pledge counts. Respect is one of our five Core Values. When we are respectful to each other we build a safe and strong community. Many of you will set goals for the coming year. The one goal I ask everyone to commit to doing is the one I have already noted above: be nice and respectful to all people.
We are fortunate to attend one of the top schools in the state. We are even more fortunate to be in a school where Respect is important to all people. How will you show that you are nice and respectful? Will you be nice and accepting of all people? Will you help people when they need support? Will you reach out and include the person who is sitting alone in class, at lunch or at an event? Will you treat others the way you want to be treated? I hope you will take some time to think about how you will be nice and respectful.
I look forward to the start of the 2018-19 school year. I look forward to being with all of you and your families.
Mr. Murphy

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