Shorecrest School

Happy New Year!

Head of School Letter

Two weeks ago while exercising, my New Year’s Resolutions popped in to my head. I am ready for 2019. But before we blast into the New Year, I wanted to reflect for a few moments on my gratitude for people in our Shorecrest community. Cicero wrote that “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.”

When I meet with other headmasters and I share with them the level of professionalism, dedication and generosity the Shorecrest Board of Trustees shares with me and our school community, I am the envy of the crowd. I am especially grateful that the Board Chairs have become such great partners. I count my blessings that the Board at Shorecrest is so devoted to the children, families, faculty, staff and Mission of our school. They are the rock. Lucky me. Lucky us.

Anyone who has ever been surrounded by a talented, dedicated and innovative leadership team knows how fortunate I am to serve with the administrative team at Shorecrest. Dr. Danyali, Dr. Bianco, Mrs. Grant, Mr. Paige, Mrs. Moore, Dr. Spencer-Carnes, Mrs. Barrett, Dr. Baralt, Mrs. Kessel, Mr. McCall, Mr. Fludd, Mr. Gillis and Mr. Sharlow are remarkable people. Our children, teachers and families could not wish for a more special team of leaders. Lucky me. Lucky us.

Jean Spencer-Carnes will tell you that one of our special joys is to walk into any classroom any time of any day and see our teachers working with our students. There are schools where headmasters and admissions directors have to be very careful about the doors they open when showing guests around. Not so at Shorecrest. Our teachers love their students and they love their fields. Our teachers engage with their students. Our teachers have a growth mindset and are lifelong learners. They would be great in any school. Thankfully, they are at Shorecrest. Lucky me. Lucky us.

There is a group at Shorecrest we call the First Impressions Team. Some sit at reception desks. Some are hidden away in offices around campus. All of them interact with current and prospective families in acts of service on a daily basis. Our teachers would never get to meet some of their talented students if it were not for the gracious, helpful and intelligent manner of our First Impression Team. These behind the scenes Chargers all give above and beyond the call of duty. One, Julie Meyer, somehow keeps the activities of the Board and my life in order while juggling requests from all over campus. Her pleasant manner and efficiency make all of our lives just a little bit easier. Lucky me. Lucky us.

Not many people get to start their day seeing the smiles and hearing the excitement that our youngest children share each morning when they get out of their cars. They are more than cute. They are interesting and inspirational. Not many adults get to work with as many talented, hard-working and committed students as I get to see every day at Shorecrest. While our Upper School students get well-deserved attention for their amazing achievements in academics, athletics, arts and service, our Middle School and Lower School students are high octane spirits. I have faith in the future because of the children I see every day. I also get heartfelt joy watching them support each other and engage in their age appropriate antics and activities. Lucky me. Lucky us.

More than likely the person reading this final Ebytes of 2018 is a parent, grandparent or guardian. You are the people who made a choice to send your child to Shorecrest. You are the people who have made the investment of resources and time to ensure your children receive the quality education offered at our school. You are the volunteers, the donors, the cheering crowds, and our greatest supporters. You allow all of us to Be More. Lucky me.

In 2018 we tore down 7 buildings and in 6 months have built a new 60,000 square foot building that will serve every child, teacher and family in our school. We have added 1.5 acres of greenspace. We are transforming our campus but the Transformation is not finished yet. While over 155 families have contributed gifts ranging from $1,000 to $2 million totalling more than $9.3 million dollars, we have more to do. Before 2019 is over everyone will be asked to support the campaign. I am confident we will exceed our goal and by August have the building complete for our community. I believe the generosity of the community will shine through. Lucky me. Lucky us.

I am grateful for the builders from iConstructors, especially Shorecrest parent Mike Montecalvo, and his partners David Johnson, Mark Cooper, Kevin Murphy and Robert Healy. I am grateful for our architects from Harvard Jolly including Frankie Sepcic, Jose Gomez and Michelle Hackenwerth. I am grateful for our owner’s rep, Andy Favata and our Trustees Patrick Marston, Pam Greacen and Will Conroy who have guided us through the construction process. Lucky me. Lucky us.

I am grateful for all the efforts members of our community have made to support, encourage and work to advance the children, teachers, administrators and families at Shorecrest. I am grateful for the acts of kindness. I am grateful for your involvement and I am grateful for the generosity that when combined with all the other community members allows us to Be More. Lucky me. Lucky us.

Thank you for a great year. Best wishes to all of you in the coming New Year. Happy Holidays!

And let us say, "Cheers!”  


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