Shorecrest School

Season of Love and Hope

Head of School Letter

Many of us find the month of December through the New Year to be a period when love and hope abound. Regardless of what one celebrates during the month of December, it is generally a time of gatherings with loved ones, gift giving, and planning for the New Year. Love for others and hope for a happy and healthy future are a pretty good way to end one year and begin another.

Many members of our community engage in religious and family traditions that will remain with our children. Those traditions are often sparked by love and hope. I trust they will be fun.

Some use this time of the year as an opportunity to share love and hope with people they do not know. Acts of kindness and donations to organizations that serve those who are in great need for love and hope increase in December. This is meaningful.

As the song says, "It’s the most wonderful time of the year." There is no reason the positive feelings that come with the holidays cannot be sustained year-round, but it is wonderful that December and the traditional Holiday Season has such a huge positive impact on so many people. Amen.

On behalf of the faculty, staff and Board of Trustees, I wish all of our Shorecrest community members much love. I hope the Holiday Season is joyous and fulfilling and trust that you will all find multiple reasons to be hopeful for a wonderful year ahead.



Please enjoy this holiday greeting from Shorecrest to Chargers everywhere!

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