Shorecrest School

Off to a Great Start

Head of School Letter

Experienced teachers will offer the following guidance to students and families of all ages:
  1. Be kind to everyone. This ensures you will have friends and that all students will feel safe and happy at school.
  2. Try hard to do your best. When students are trying they will make progress.
  3. Do not hesitate to ask for help. There is no need to be frustrated. The teachers and administrators are here to make sure you are safe, learning and making progress.
  4. Have fun. Students who engage in activities they love do well at school.
I am sure teachers, family members and our students will add to this list. I hope so. Part of having a good year is having a plan.  

What is your plan? What does your child hope to accomplish this year? What is your expectation for the new school year? 

The listening conferences our Experiential School and Lower School teachers have with families provide an opportunity to share plans and expectations. I try to learn the plans of the members of the senior class when we have our interviews during the summer. This is the time to be sure we have listened to our children to learn what they are thinking. It is also time to help set expectations and goals for the year.
Clearly, our primary goals need to be around how we can maximize academic and character development. Even the best students benefit from positive feedback, guidance and support from trusted adults. This is hard work because it requires consistency. Education is a lifelong endeavor, more of a marathon than a sprint. Starting off fast in August may get a learner off on the right foot. The student who has parents / guardians who maintain the support and supervision throughout the year are the ones who eventually become the strong, independent learners we strive to develop.
One of my hopes for this year is that every family will bring their children to see some of the athletic games and theatre productions our Varsity Teams and Shorecrest Performing Arts produce. We are a PK3 through 12th grade school. It is easy to get immersed exclusively in the activities of your child’s grade or school. I am aware and respectful of the time and energy it can take to bring children back to campus for Varsity level events. I am even more aware of the positive impact and influence our talented Upper School students can have on our younger children.
Our Middle School and Upper School Swim and Dive Team have meets on Saturdays and on weekday evenings at North Shore pool. Our Team has won the District for 15 consecutive years. The meets are fast and efficient. If your child swims - and I hope every child in our school does know how to swim - they will love seeing the Upper School students compete. Golf, Cross Country and sailing are not easy for spectators to observe. However, there will be many opportunities this fall to watch our defending State Championship Volleyball team and very promising football team play on campus. Our Middle School teams tend to play after school. Their games can be very interesting to young children. The Middle School Musical, "The Wizard of Oz," is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, November 1 and 2. Our Upper School Musical, as always will be in April during Celebrate the Arts Week.
Coming out to cheer on a varsity or junior varsity team, and coming out to see our fabulous theatrical performances help build school spirit. There is no question that students do better when they are proud of their school. I look forward to seeing you at all kinds of Shorecrest events this year.


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