Shorecrest School

The Start of September

Head of School Letter

How exciting that it is finally September! School is now in full swing, with classes online and in-person, complete with projects, homework, advisory, morning meeting, carline, and, of course, lunch! You can tell that students and teachers are establishing routines and rhythms of daily life. My favorite moment so far is watching the never-ending kickball game that occurs during recess right by the center sidewalk leading towards Charger Commons. 

September also means that we are in the throes of start-of-year events, such as Back-To-School Nights. Each School will experience Back-to-School Night in its own way on separate evenings.  This being 2020, there will be virtual presentations, some live aspects, and a myriad of creative ways to convey the essence of the Shorecrest community.   

The primary focus of Back-To-School Night is for families to have a chance to get to know their children’s teachers and gain a sense of the curriculum that is being covered. The goal is to give you a flavor of your child’s academic experience as a Charger and for you to be able to continue building relationships with the adults who spend time with your children. We hope this is the beginning of a year-long conversation between you and the many talented and hardworking faculty members who treasure teaching your children. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher, advisor or School Head to follow up with individual questions and concerns.  

The first weekend in September also means that we look forward to the three-day Labor Day Weekend. I think it is important to take a moment and consider the true meaning of this holiday, which is to honor the achievements of American workers. The purpose of Labor Day is to pay a yearly national tribute to the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. More than ever, we recognize the role that essential workers, and indeed all workers, play in the ongoing successful functioning of our society. 

Of course, Labor Day Weekend also evokes images of family, outdoor grilling and one last summer hurrah. However you choose to celebrate the Labor Day holiday, please remember the importance of maintaining appropriate health protocols in order to stay safe and reduce the risk of bringing the coronavirus onto the Shorecrest campus. 

Thanks to all of you, we are off to a great start to the 2020-21 school year at Shorecrest!

All the best, 

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