Shorecrest School

Strategy Tested

Head of School Letter

Two of the initiatives from the 2020 Strategic Plan: Vision for the Future focused on Culture and Community, and Innovation in Teaching and Learning. While our community's circumstances have changed drastically since that planning process in 2015, the outcomes of that work are paying dividends today during this time of crisis. 

For example, the investment in technology/innovation and the focus on student success and well-being led to our ability to turn around over a weekend and begin distance learning for our students. All faculty had professional training and the school had hardware available to support the needs of our students and their families. Since day one of distance learning, the faculty and administrators knew that the social-emotional health and well-being of our students would be critical. Morning meetings, CPR and Advisories have continued to allow for a personal touch and insight into the new lives our children and their families are experiencing.

Strategic Planning helps organizations prioritize new goals and initiatives, which often involve change. During strategic planning, five years ago, the Shorecrest Steering Committee also identified five elements of school life and Shorecrest culture that would NOT change:
  • Strong student-teacher-family relationships
  • Emphasis on students success and achievement
  • Student-centered curriculum and pedagogy
  • Supportive Community
  • High levels of participation in successful athletic and arts programs
Clearly, the coronavirus pandemic has brought out the best in our community. It has also challenged us as we strive to maintain the exceptional programs that often require us to be face-to-face. Although the cast of "Evita" continues to learn dance routines and music using Zoom, it has not been possible for the baseball, beach volleyball, softball, tennis, and track & field programs to provide our student-athletes with the experiences we planned. We have scheduled a virtual Athletic Signing Day ceremony for May 11. This will give us an opportunity to recognize our seniors who will compete at their colleges and universities. Student athletes, artists and academic achievers will also be recognized at Upper School Awards Day on May 18. The change in circumstances in no way lessens our students' achievements this year. We will celebrate them.  

The necessity to engage in distance learning has challenged us to adapt curriculum and methods to ensure students are challenged and engaged in meaningful work. Although the absence of direct guidance from teachers and access to equipment certainly has an impact, I have seen products and projects produced by students that are every bit as good as the ones completed at school.

I continue to hear reports from families and administrators about extraordinary levels of outreach and relationship building. We cannot say thank you often enough for the support members of the community have offered to each other. Thankfully, as challenging as these days have been, teachers are reporting that most students are having successful experiences.

We can all imagine that future strategic plans will have significant emphasis on crisis management. The Strategic Planning Committee of the Board, a newly formed Task Force on Health and Safety, and the administration are developing plans for students to return to campus in the safest possible environment that provides the highest quality of education. We look forward to sharing those plans with you soon. 

Strategy or not, I miss seeing all of you and hope your families remain healthy and engaged.



Note on Photo: These "You've Been Charged!" signs have been popping up all over town at the homes of community members. No group or individual has claimed responsibility for the charming gesture of support. To the mystery community member(s) - thank you for spreading Chargers spirit at a distance! #ShorecrestTogether

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