Shorecrest School

The Value of Involvement

Head of School Letter

One of the aspects of Shorecrest that I have noticed is the way in which people invest themselves in this community. It has made me think about the value of involvement, how participation is a positive thing both for the community and for individuals, and how getting involved invariably opens new doors for those who take the opportunity to reach out. 

Joining the Shorecrest community is a choice. One of the benefits is the chance to meet new people and discover new activities. There are numerous opportunities to get involved, whether you are a student, parent, grandparent or alumni. Granted, how we participate this year is different and it may seem more challenging through a screen. Yet, the spirit of the Shorecrest community remains strong and welcoming, and it is built on the connections that we make with each other.  

The concept of participation comes from the idea of sharing who you are with others. Active engagement in the learning process is essential to students’ growth and we ask that they bring all of themselves into the classroom and cocurricular activities. We are a stronger community when there is broad participation and everyone takes part in the life of the School. Involvement in Shorecrest sets the stage for active engagement and demonstrates the value of contributing to the community. Much of what Shorecrest hopes to achieve could not be accomplished without the efforts of involved parents who devote their time and energy to the School.

For students, involvement goes beyond class participation. This could be the year when you try a new sport or audition for the musical or play for the first time. It might be the year when you take on a leadership role in an activity or start a new club that aligns with your interests. Or it could be that you continue to be enthusiastically involved and encourage others to join you. You could set up a Webex meeting with students who are participating on the Flexible Learning Program and those who are learning on-campus. Or you could call out to a new friend on the playground and invite him or her to participate in a game you are playing. Connecting with others and getting involved enhances your own experience at Shorecrest. 

Reaching out and getting involved brings the rewards of self-knowledge and unexpected discoveries. Doing something you love may confirm that this is the path you want to take. It is also worth the risk of stepping outside of your comfort zone to take part in something new. You may find out that you love cross-country or robotics or tennis or Model UN. You may meet other students that you have never had the chance to really talk with and find out you have more in common than you realized. The same opportunities for self-discovery and making new connections through participation exist for adults as well. 

By getting involved, you learn more about yourself and you make Shorecrest a better place.

All the best, 


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