Shorecrest School

Celebrating Community

Head of School Letter

One of my fondest early memories from childhood is of my father taking me and my twin brother Rob to school for our first day of Pre-K at Sheridan School in Washington, D.C. It was a busy morning drop-off, not unlike here at Shorecrest, and I remember my dad walking us into the school, and then kneeling down with one arm around each of us as we gazed wide-eyed around the cheerful classroom. Looking back at that moment, when I was surrounded by family, teachers and other students, I realize how many people have put their arms around me to support me throughout my school experiences. This first day of Pre-K is a special memory because I now know that this was my first experience of what it means to be a part of a school community. It is also what I often think of when I watch our youngest students arrive each morning, excited and eager to start the day. 

Community is a word that we use a lot when talking about Shorecrest. Our community includes not only our students and faculty, but also parents, grandparents, alumni and friends. In alignment with Shorecrest’s Mission and Core Values, every community member is united around our shared responsibility to nurture in our students a respect for themselves and others. This basic principle is ultimately what opens the door to our ability to build a legacy of inclusive, innovative and transformational education that ignites the potential of all learners.

This shared philosophy can be seen in the classroom, on the field, on the stage and even within the School’s various parent committees and volunteer groups. There are a myriad of ways that members of Shorecrest embody this definition of “Community” and I’m constantly amazed by how many are willing to give of their time and talents as volunteers and of their resources through their philanthropic support.

This week marks the fifth and final Giving Week of the school year — a moment in time when members of the community are expressing their support and responsibility for this community by donating to the Shorerest Fund. It seems only fitting that the focus is on celebrating our Community and Service Learning program. During this most unusual of school years, we hope that families understand that while it has been difficult for everyone, what we have achieved together has far exceeded anyone’s expectations. We have faced our shared challenges with compassion and respect for one another and I know I’m personally appreciative of these accomplishments. 

As we look towards next year, it is my sincere hope that we carry forward our successes from this year and build upon them for a time when we can be even more #ShorecrestTogether. There will be increased opportunities to gather together and be involved in supporting our students, faculty and each other; and I encourage us all to find some way to participate. 

If you’d like to show your support today and celebrate the Shorecrest Community during this final Week of Giving, you can do so by making a donation reflective of your student’s class year (i.e., 2021 = $20.21) or in honor of someone who has positively impacted your Shorecrest experience (i.e., a teacher who has made a challenging year easier).

When we support the school and one another, we contribute to that special feeling of community I first experienced as a child and now have the pleasure of experiencing every day at Shorecrest.

All the best, 

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