Shorecrest School

Thanksgiving Memories

Head of School Letter

When I was growing up, our yearly Thanksgiving tradition was to drive to my aunt’s house, four hours away, where she would host the annual meal. We knew to arrive no earlier than 2pm and once we got there, the cheese and crackers and nuts would be set out for us to snack on before dinner. My mother’s job was to carve the turkey. I have vivid memories of my grandmother gathered around with us kids, sneaking bits of turkey into her mouth and smiling, as we waited for the carving.

Dinner was served in the basement of my aunt’s split level, with card tables set up to accommodate the 20+ guests. There were always at least two tables, one for the grown-ups and one for the kids. Never too fancy, we used Thanksgiving-themed paper plates with real silverware, and went through a buffet line to get our food. The dinner was delicious while the conversation was loud and raucous, and included lots of jokes and stories. I remember that at each place setting was a small but solid (not hollow, and that was important) chocolate turkey. I am not sure how or when that tradition started, but it is embedded in my memory as part of our Thanksgiving ritual.

Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. I love the food that is served, the gathering of friends and family members, and most of all, the feeling that we as a nation take a day to be grateful and acknowledge those things that matter most to us, and for which we are thankful. 

While this Thanksgiving will be more challenging than most, it is still a day worthy of deep reflection. Despite all the difficulties that 2020 has presented, there are many things that we can take the time to appreciate. 

For me, coming to Shorecrest is at the top of my list of things to be thankful for this year. Health, family, and friends come quickly to mind as well.

Especially now in such uncertain times, this Thanksgiving holiday reinforces a sense of gratitude for those whom you love, near and far, and for those who love you. It reminds me of the power of community, and how lucky we all are to be a part of this Shorecrest family. 

My best wishes to all for a safe, healthy and happy holiday. 

All the best, 


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