Shorecrest School

Strategic Planning

Head of School Letter

Like all independent schools and most organizations, Shorecrest is committed to strategic planning as a way to enhance the School as we look toward the future and our second century. 

As I shared with you earlier this week, the Strategic Planning Task Force, composed of trustees, emeritus trustees, faculty, staff, alumni and parents, is charged with helping Shorecrest set strategic goals for the next five years, as well as with providing guidance in the development of a plan to achieve them.

A strategic plan is a thoughtful road map that provides directions, helps define priorities, and assists with the management of resources. With a vision to be a school which provides academic excellence with innovative programs in a supportive, diverse and inclusive community, it is not possible – or even beneficial – to invest in everything. A strategic plan helps the School identify the differentiators which will distinguish Shorecrest amongst our peers. Strategic planning also ensures that our mission serves as a guiding beacon to make short- and long-term decisions.
The full community has already offered valuable input into the strategic planning process, as well as the accreditation self study, through last fall’s community survey. Survey results answered questions around four main topics - areas which families believed had the greatest impact on the perceived value of a Shorecrest education, the strengths or positive aspects of the school, why families chose to attend Shorecrest and the areas of top concern.  

Respondents were asked to rank areas that matter most to them. Using a regression analysis, it was possible to identify the variables that have the greatest impact on the school's overall value and perception. Those highest ranked items included:

#1 Innovative Education
#2 Support Academic Achievement
#3 Caring Environment
#4 Equal Opportunities for All
#5 Values / Character Development

When asked what were the strengths of the School, the top three aspects were:
  • Academic Excellence
  • High Quality Faculty / Staff
  • Safe Learning Environment

The top reasons for choosing Shorecrest were:
  • School's Reputation 
  • Small Class Size 
  • College Placement 
  • Inquiry & Project Based Learning Curriculum 
  • Quality of Faculty 
  • AP and Honors Curriculum

The key concerns expressed were:
  • High cost of tuition
  • Need for additional resources for faculty/staff and programming
  • Need to increase diversity
  • Lack of an endowment

After evaluating the nearly 1,000 responses to the survey, five clear themes emerged as strategic areas of focus: 

Academic Excellence
Financial Sustainability
Physical Plant
Health and Wellness of Faculty, Staff and Students
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Looking ahead, the Strategic Planning Task Force will be delving into these key strategic initiatives. There will be opportunities for the Shorecrest community to engage further in this important process and offer input through additional surveys and focus groups. If you have input that you would like to provide directly to the Task Force, you can reach out to us via email [email protected].

The timing of strategic planning aligns with both our accreditation and with the School’s centennial in 2023. As we approach our 100th year as an institution, we look forward to sharing the outcome of the strategic planning process with the entire community. 

All the best, 

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