Shorecrest School


Head of School Letter

As we head into the Thanksgiving break, my thoughts are filled with gratitude for an autumn of abundance. This fall, we have had many opportunities to come together. We have gathered together and the essence of Shorecrest has been revealed. Our strength as a community has been reignited and we have emerged from challenging times more resilient and more connected than ever.  

Beginning with our August faculty and staff meetings, the energy of talented educators has driven the school year with creativity, excitement and the pure joy of working with our students. SCA and parent volunteers have created opportunities for families to meet, socialize and work together on behalf of Shorecrest. Trustees and families have devoted countless hours to support Shorecrest with fundraising and community engagement. Creating connections and a sense of belonging has never been more important. I am thankful to see the friendships that have been forged through spending time together. 

Throughout the fall, students have thrilled us with their artistic and athletic performances, often in front of enthusiastic and excited crowds, audiences who support their endeavors and take pride in their achievements. There have been ample examples of academic achievement, with the chance this year to present and share with parents. Teachers have devoted themselves to their students, finding ways to support their learning and challenge our Chargers to think, explore and grow. I am grateful for my colleagues, who go above and beyond on behalf of their students. 

I am thankful and appreciative of the families who have entrusted their children to Shorecrest. The importance of a positive partnership between a student’s parents/guardians and the school is essential. The collaborative and constructive family-school relationship enhances the School’s ability to serve the students and accomplish our mission. When we consider the many successes of this past fall, I know that we could not have achieved all that we have without the support of the Shorecrest community. 

Finally, I am grateful for our students. Shorecrest Chargers have come together this fall and demonstrated their spirit and commitment to each other and to the school in ways large and small. Our students are funny, authentic, curious and dedicated. There have been so many moments when their laughter and joy have filled the air, creating the sense of community which we cherish. May it always be so.   

I hope that everyone has a happy, healthy and restful Thanksgiving holiday!

All the best, 

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