Shorecrest School


Head of School Letter

We are starting the school year with the most students ever at Shorecrest and the most new students! Our opening day enrollment stands at 1056 students with 203 new Chargers. This is the result of surging interest in Shorecrest and the educational experience we provide. We have grown while still keeping average class sizes at 16 students.  

We have waitlists for many grades, along with families who are still calling to inquire about admission to Shorecrest. And we have to say that there are no more spaces available. So congratulations to the new families for being among those students whom we have selected to be a part of Shorecrest, and thank you for choosing to join the Shorecrest community.    

Our 203 new students are entering into all grades and school divisions. And they are coming from all over the United States and the world! In addition, we have families who have moved from other parts of Florida, along with many who are from the local St. Petersburg and Tampa Bay area. Families have moved to St. Petersburg from states including:
  • California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas
Families are joining Shorecrest from countries including: 
  • Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden and Turkey
There are a number of factors that I believe are contributing to this surge of interest in Shorecrest. 

First and foremost, our mission resonates with families more than ever. We are seeing more families who value having their children in a diverse community of students, with the goal of becoming lifelong learners. They seek a school where their children can pursue personal and academic excellence, physical well-being, creative achievement and a commitment to social responsibility. 

Our sense of community draws families to Shorecrest. The engagement of families and the welcoming atmosphere provides an environment which is attractive to families who are new to St. Petersburg and also to long-time Tampa Bay Area residents. There is an authenticity to Shorecrest, where everyone is welcomed and encouraged to become involved in the life of the School. 

Third, families value the independence of Shorecrest. They appreciate that our curriculum is set in alignment with our mission and in conjunction with educational experts. We have the freedom to create an educational experience that meets our students needs, without state mandates on curriculum, textbooks, standardized testing or speech.

This is a milestone year for Shorecrest. 

We are celebrating our centennial. Shorecrest was founded in 1923, which makes us one of the oldest private schools in the state. This year's seniors, the Class of 2023, is our Centennial Class. It's also a year of Strategic Planning, where we ask the question of what do we want Shorecrest to look like in the future. I wonder if the Shorecrest students of the 1920s could even imagine what today’s Shorecrest experience would be like. Can today’s students envision how Shorecrest Chargers will be learning in the year 2123? 

The 2022-2023 school year will be a year of looking back and honoring our past; at the same time, we are looking forward to imagining what the Shorecrest of the future will be like. It’s an exciting and important year for us as a school community.

When our students returned this week, the air of excitement and positivity was palpable. Whether you’re a family brand new to the school, or you’re a senior ‘lifer’ starting your 15th year at Shorecrest - together, we will make this a school year to remember! 

All the best, 

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