Shorecrest School

It's Gonna Be May

Head of School Letter

Here comes May, the most anticipated month of the school year! May is chock full of activity, as the academic year comes to a close. The days are full of so many academic, athletic, artistic and community events. I love the rituals and traditions that go along with school life in May, and I am looking forward to all of it! Please check our school calendar for the specific dates and times of all these exciting events. 

We kick off May with College Decision Day on May 2, when the Class of 2022 will celebrate their choice of college with festivities and attire, wearing their college t-shirts with pride. To honor our seniors, the Middle School students and faculty/staff are invited to wear their favorite college t-shirt as well. Advancement Placement exams will also start on May 2. The 2022 AP Exams will be administered over the first two weeks in May and are the culmination of the college-level classes taken by many Upper School students. 

The Experiential School students are hard at work practicing for Alpha on the Go! This is a not-to-be missed event where our youngest Chargers demonstrate their skill as they ride their bikes, trikes or scooters around campus. It is an amazing event; their pride and joy is evident as they concentrate so hard (yet find time to wave to their family) and demonstrate a huge sense of accomplishment as they roll over the finish line. 

Lower School students can’t wait for Splash Day, the outdoor PE water extravaganza scheduled for this month. Everyone gets wet and no one minds, as the students play games and run around in the sunshine. Class performances for the Kindergarten and First Grade are also on the calendar for May, with songs and music to be seen in the Janet Root Theatre. The Fourth Grade Moving Up ceremony is especially touching; it acknowledges the leadership of our oldest students in the Lower School and celebrates their transition to Middle School.

The Middle School is focusing on year-end projects in the classroom, and completing their athletic spring season. Eighth graders have had a chance to visit the Upper School and sit in on classes as they prepare for their transition to high school. The Middle School Awards Assembly will be a culmination of their weekly meetings in the Janet Root Theatre, where the students will be honored for academic, artistic, and athletic achievement, along with citizenship and contributions to the community. 

Upper School students are getting ready for year-end exams and presenting capstone projects in their classes. I have sat in on a number of fascinating presentations by members of our GSI (Global Scholars Initiative) signature program. The spring athletic season is coming to a successful close, with many of our teams continuing on to postseason regional competition.

Commencement weekend is quickly approaching and brings with it the Upper School Awards Ceremony, Senior Celebration Walk and Graduation, outdoor community events to celebrate and honor the Class of 2022 along with other Upper School students. 

Tomorrow (although technically still April!) brings an opportunity for Shorecrest to show its appreciation and thanks for the many volunteers who have devoted their time and energy to this school community. All those who have given their time to support our Chargers this year are invited to attend a complimentary brunch on Saturday, April 30, at 10:30am. I look forward to seeing you there. 

Happy May!

All the best, 

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