Shorecrest School

A Culture of Lifelong Learning

Head of School Letter

Today marks the beginning of a long weekend vacation for Shorecrest families. This four-day, mid-winter break coincides with the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning’s annual Winter Institute, a day of professional development for Shorecrest teachers and other educators from across the country. This winter long weekend also takes place over Presidents Day, a federal holiday set aside to recognize and honor the birthdays of both President George Washington and President Abraham Lincoln.

The Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL) was launched in 2017 and is directed by long-time Shorecrest faculty member Jane Boarman. CITL’s mission is to provide groundbreaking opportunities for educators to explore new research-supported teaching practices, expand their networks, and grow as professionals. Its origins as a strategic initiative of Shorecrest aligns with our commitment to excellence in education and seeks to benefit the greater community by providing engaging professional development opportunities for teachers and school leaders across the country. 

The Winter Institute is an annual event for all Shorecrest faculty and staff, along with attendees from schools across the country. Presenters include outside speakers, along with Shorecrest faculty members. Some of this year’s workshops are in response to the demands and stresses related to the pandemic for both teachers and students. There are outstanding instructors to facilitate insightful and productive sessions on executive functions, gifted students, brave spaces, math activities, differentiation, phonemic awareness, and how to best support stressed and anxious students. It will be an amazing day of professional growth and demonstrate Shorecrest’s commitment to lifelong learning for all. 

Monday is Presidents Day, when this country takes a moment to recognize two key leaders from our past, who led this country during times of incredible strife. George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are considered to be two of our greatest Presidents who sought to unite this country after the ravages of war. While their leadership certainly had different styles, General Washington rising through the military ranks and Mr. Lincoln’s upward trajectory as a self-educated lawyer and politician, both men cared deeply about this country and put the good of the United States of America as their primary concern. As a historian, I think it is important to note and appreciate the efforts and accomplishments of these significant leaders. 

I hope that you have a restful long weekend and return refreshed and ready for the quick two weeks to Spring Break, then onward to the final stretch of the school year. 

All the best, 

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