Shorecrest School

Coming Together as a Community

Head of School Letter

Based on our recent survey, the one word used to describe what people love most about Shorecrest is “community.” Creating and sustaining a strong sense of community is an active and intentional part of the Shorecrest Community Association (SCA), whose volunteers work  together to support and enhance the mission of the School. Coming up in the next month are three events through which we can connect as a community. 

Tonight it’s Take #2 on Lights! Camera! Action! as we reprise our Shorecrest Movie Night, sponsored by the Shorecrest Community Association. This second annual event offers an evening of fun with the showing of “Sing 2” outside of Charger Commons on the Gaffney Green. Entrance to the movie is free and we welcome all members of the Shorecrest community. Special guests will include newly admitted families, who have just received notification of their acceptances to Shorecrest this week! What better way to get to know the Shorecrest community than to be welcomed by this fun event? Doors open at 6pm and the movie will start at sundown, with a variety of food trucks available to purchase entrees and treats. There will be activities, games, a photobooth and more! Bring a blanket or low beach chair and enjoy a night under the stars, as we celebrate the chance to come together as a community on our beautiful campus. 

On Friday, March 17, the campus will be buzzing with activity as we welcome Grandparents and Special Friends for a day full of activity. The purpose of this day is to offer a glimpse inside the classroom and gain a sense of the daily life of Shorecrest by observing children and teachers engaged in learning activities. There will also be student performances from a variety of grade levels where our visitors can see the progression of talented artists from our youngest students to the impressive production numbers from our Middle and Upper School musicals. We invite our guests to start the day with a continental breakfast and (new this year!) stay for lunch with their students. Shorecrest Chargers love showing off their school to their grandparents and eagerly look forward to having their special friends with them for this day. We hope that many members of the community will be able to attend Grandparents and Special Friends Day.  

Our third upcoming community event, the Shorecrest Luau: The Little Event, is geared toward adults. On Saturday night, March 18, SCA presents an evening of entertainment and auctions, coupled with delicious, island-style dining in a tropical oasis. All funds raised through the Little Event are used to benefit the people and programs at Shorecrest. This will be my first Little Event and I can’t wait to attend (although I am mulling over what to wear that will be “Luau Chic”!) Coming together for a relaxed and fun evening is a wonderful part of being a member of the Shorecrest community. 

I encourage everyone to take advantage of these and any community events that fit your family’s busy schedules. We have seen how important it is to come together in person and the deep relationships that develop from getting to know each other. Being with other members of the Chargers family strengthens our bonds and connects us to each other. And like so many of you, what I love most about Shorecrest is our strong sense of community! 

All the best, 

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