Shorecrest School

Students Share “Why Shorecrest?”

Head of School Letter

One of my favorite parts of working in a school like Shorecrest is hearing directly from students. Everything we do at Shorecrest is designed to be in the best interest of students. While we do our fair share of formal data gathering to get feedback from students, recently during morning carline I did some informal focus groups, asking students from Alpha to seniors, “What do you like about Shorecrest?” 

Some answers were brief, with “my friends” and “my teachers” as the top recurring themes. Others were: 





The playground


The food

PE and lunch

The Ga-Ga pit

Even as the answers became more detailed, “people” continued to be a common theme: 

There are so many nice people and the teachers are very helpful.

I like how as a senior they help you a lot with college and make the college process really easy. 

The teachers really are supportive whatever you do, even though it’s really far away, it’s fun to be here. I come from Tampa every day. 

I think Shorecrest is a good school and the teachers are really good. You have a really big variety of food and you can eat a lot of stuff and I like that.

I really love all the teachers and how they really care about you and you can get close to them. 

I like the close connections you can make with the teachers in the small classes. They care about your success. 

I like that many people are very friendly and they are going to help you if you need help and they are going to show you and help you with homework if you don’t understand.

I like when the teachers let you choose whatever you want to do. 

When I came new last year, everyone was very friendly to me.

It’s very anti-bully, it feels inclusive.

I love that everyone is really caring and the teachers care about you.

I like that the people are really nice.

I like that Shorecrest allows everyone to be themselves and how we all respect each other.

I like the sports and how many different types of people are here.

I like how a lot of the teachers are so welcoming and whenever you get something wrong or have a question, they reassure you on what’s the right answer and how to do the equation or whatever you are learning. 

How helpful the teachers are when you have questions and how it’s not stressful. I feel like I am supported. 

Other recurring themes emerged like the variety of opportunities available to students, the ability to connect across the PK3-12 program, and the quality of education students feel they receive. 

I like the playground because it’s so big and you have many activities to do. 

I like all the extracurriculars and clubs that Shorecrest offers.

I like Shorecrest because we do a lot of fun things in 4th grade, like the Patrol with the little kids.

I really like the community and all the various events that we celebrate in the school. Also, I really like the courses that the school provides for us. 

I like doing Patrol because it’s a fun experience to get to take little kids to their classroom. 

I think this school is big and it’s into nature and I like nature. I like being outside and walking around.

I like how you get to go to the library and check out books in the morning.

I like that it’s huge and there’s a big playground.

I talk to kids from other schools and every time I talk to them and compare classes, I feel like we are miles ahead. I never feel like I go home and feel like, man I did nothing productive today. I just always feel like I am really learning, I’m always benefiting myself every day. 

The pasta and the pizza and the playground.

I like how it’s clean.

It’s fun at choice time.

I really enjoy the quality of my education because I feel as though all of my teachers are very involved in the lessons and I very rarely ever feel bored in class. I always feel like I am learning something and using my time productively as possible. 

I like being a part of the robotics team and going to the competitions. 

I love being in the musical.

Whatever reasons resonate the most for your family, we believe that there is so much to enjoy and appreciate about Shorecrest. If your student has a “Why I like Shorecrest” note to share, I’d love to hear it! 

All the best, 


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