Shorecrest School

Serving our Community, Supporting Each Other

Head of School Letter

Last week’s Upper School Service Week saw Shorecrest students working on projects around the Tampa Bay region and, in fact, spread across the nation! Begun in 2010, Service Week is a 4-day learning experience in which Upper School students immerse themselves in service projects with non-profits and educational institutions both near and far. During 2023 Service Week, one group worked on a Native American reservation in South Dakota and had the opportunity to observe the Northern Lights! Another group of Chargers drove to the mountains of Tennessee to help with the restoration of a national park. There were Shorecrest students working on environmental projects, animal shelters, senior centers, preschools and food pantries, among other locations. I visited students hard at work: tending to animals at Friends of Strays (where I almost came home with a cat!) and organizing clothing at the Suncoast Hospice Thrift Shop. A large group of Chargers participated in a variety of tasks at the Goodwill Industries Suncoast Headquarters, from sorting food to reading to children.

The junior class used their time for a four-day workshop presented by the College Counseling team on the college application process. Outside college admissions officers joined other presenters to speak with the 11th graders about the application process and essay writing. I had the pleasure of joining the juniors in their college workshop to go over strategies and tips for upcoming college interviews.  

Also on campus, students created art murals, which you can see as you drive by the Upper School Arts Cottage and the entrance to the Admissions Office outside the Raymund Center. Our student historians explored the school archives to create a presentation and timeline documenting Shorecrest’s centennial. Some students chose to spend the week working in Experiential and Lower School classrooms, supporting our faculty and creating bonds with younger students. 

This cross-school connection is a special aspect of being a PK3 through grade 12 school and continues beyond Service Week. This past Wednesday, the senior class joined their Lower School buddies for community time in the Kindergarten and first grade classrooms. It was an incredible sight to watch Chargers of all ages sprawled on the floor, playing games, reading or constructing puzzles. Some of our lifers were actually back in their old classrooms and greeted beloved teachers from their youth as they connected with current Lower Schoolers. 

Finally, the news of another school shooting earlier this week leaves all of our hearts heavy. Our thoughts and prayers go out to our fellow NAIS school in Nashville. In our classrooms we are having age-appropriate conversations in response to questions and concerns raised by students. Such tragic events bring school safety and security top of mind for parents and educators everywhere. As you may recall, at Shorecrest, we have an on-campus presence of two armed School Protection Officers each and every day that school is in session, along with a patrolling St. Petersburg police officer for 3.5 hours each morning throughout our campus. Our goal at Shorecrest is to provide our students with the safest possible learning environment, while maintaining a welcoming campus for our students and current and prospective families. We continually evaluate and implement safety and security measures consistent with the School's mission and resources. 

In the interest of supporting families who may be having difficult conversations with children, I wanted to include some resources that our colleagues at National Association of Independent Schools have compiled: 

Helping Children Cope with Tragedy
Media Consumption

Whether it is times of joy - like the joy of seeing our students serve others - or times of tragedy, our community remains one of our greatest strengths. It brings me great comfort to see our students learning, serving and playing alongside each other. 
All the best, 

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