Shorecrest School

Loss and Gratitude

Head of School Letter

Loss and gratitude are on my mind this week. As most of you are aware, our community has suffered a tragic blow with the loss of the Kath family. The School’s primary focus has been on supporting our students as they process this experience. As we have come together to grieve, there have been moments of gratitude for this community, and for the earnest and heartfelt outpouring of support that we have witnessed. 

Sudden loss is a challenge for anyone. We have seen children process this experience through expressions of love for their friends and family. Amidst their grief, Shorecrest students pour their feelings into art, writing and conversations with teachers and school counselors, while they also receive support from professional grief counselors and therapy dogs.

Gratitude for a strong community is an underlying emotion this week as well. We have so many teachers and staff members who are devoting themselves fully to their students, while also grieving themselves. We are grateful for our deeply caring educators, whose focus is on nurturing students in their time of need. 

And we have seen students supporting each other: Middle Schoolers reaching out to each other with a hug or kind word. Our Upper School Student Council President, at the conclusion of a moment of silence at Morning Meeting, reminding her classmates to say “I love you” to their friends and family, and appreciate those around them. 

There is a palpable sense on campus right now that we need to take special care of each other, along with gratitude for all those who have stepped into the care-giving role. There is also a sense of resilience, that Shorecrest has been through challenging times of loss before, and that we have emerged with an increased awareness of the fragility of life and a deep appreciation for this special Shorecrest community.     

Whatever your faith or family tradition, we ask that you hold the memories of Christian, Misty and Lily close to your heart. Looking ahead, we will hold a celebration of remembrance on campus for the Kath family after the winter holiday vacation. More information about that January event will be relayed to the Shorecrest community in the coming weeks.  

I wish each of you all the best in the days ahead. 

Nancy Spencer

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