Shorecrest School

Gardening in The Experiential School

Experiential School News

As the children in The Experiential School grow this year, so will the plants they are starting in their garden. This week they prepared the garden beds and boxes by weeding and raking, then planting and watering. During the rest of September, many more seeds and plants will join the radishes that were sown this week. The vegetables and herbs that grow will be eaten and used in class cooking adventures as well as by SAGE in some of the lunches they prepare for us.
Some other gardening bonuses:
  • Children learn responsibility by caring for plants
  • Students learn to work cooperatively
  • Students learn cause and affect
  • Children connect with nature and begin to understand botany and ecology
  • Gardeners tend to have more nutritious eating habits
See more from this week in Betty's Blog.

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