Shorecrest School

Share Your Distance Learning Experience

Experiential School News

Chargers are trying new things and learning in original ways this month. Please email any distance learning photos or videos that you'd like to share with the community to [email protected]. Emailed media may be featured in Shorecrest communications, including the 2020 Crestviews yearbook. 

For photos intended for the yearbook, please: 
  • Provide the highest quality images possible.
  • If exporting from your smartphone, select the largest file size available. If using a camera, photograph in High Quality or even RAW.
  • If at all possible, provide caption information!
For the 2020 edition of Crestviews, editors especially need photos of Middle and Upper School students engaged in distance learning. 
Share your distance learning and community support stories on social media using #ShorecrestTogether. 

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