Shorecrest School

Morning Routines - Setting Up For Success

Experiential School News

For Alpha students, it is important to establish and stick-to a morning routine, both at home and in school. Prior to the school day beginning, it is key that Alpha students are given time to prepare themselves for the day ahead. While mornings can be stressful, we recommend the following tips to help ease the morning rush. 
  1. Prepare for school the night before with your child. Have your child assist you in getting their lunch, snack and water ready for the next day. Sit down with your child and review their schedule for the upcoming day. Children at this age enjoy routines and knowing what will happen in the future. Help ease your little one’s mind by going over their upcoming day together.
  2. Foster independence through morning jobs. Just like in school, children at this age love jobs! Support your child’s independence by giving them important jobs to complete each morning. For example, your child can brush their teeth, put on their shoes and carry their backpack to the car.
  3. Connect! Even though mornings are hectic, it is important for children to start their day with a “full bucket”. You can do this through chatting together over breakfast, telling jokes, listening to a fun song in the car and of course HUGS!
We encourage our Alpha students to follow a similar routine each morning at home to ensure that they are set up for success during the day. 

Read more about how the Alpha teachers help foster morning routines in the classroom using the Responsive Classroom Approach.

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