Shorecrest School

Families of Students with Learning Differences, Meet Oct 16

CAE News

A new group is forming at Shorecrest for parents/guardians of children with learning differences (dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, etc.) who would like to connect with other parents and learn more to promote an understanding of the gifts and challenges that learning differences can present to children and their families.

Please join TLC for a first meeting of the year on Wednesday, October 16, from 11am - 12pm in the Student Activity Center.

Dr. Chrissy Stabler, a licensed Psychologist, will be offering a wonderful opportunity by leading information sessions designed to present and share information, resources, and ideas with families. Dr. Stabler has extensive experience in the treatment of social skill deficits, trouble with emotion regulation, attention/focus concerns, anxiety, depression and difficulty with transitions. 
Dr. Stabler takes a systems approach to treatment of children - incorporating parents, teachers, pediatricians and other caregivers/supports in treatment when beneficial. She has extensive experience in schools, providing consultation, therapy, and evaluation for children experiencing socio-emotional, learning, and behavioral difficulties.
The first meeting of the 2019-2020 school year will focus on the impacts of executive functioning challenges on school performance and helpful recommendations. We will also have current Shorecrest students with learning differences discuss strategies and supports that have aided in their success at Shorecrest.
Dr. Stabler welcomes all Shorecrest families and invites them to bring other local parents who would appreciate being part of this group. Snacks and drinks will be provided, and feel free to bring your lunch.

Learn more about Dr. Stabler here:

Please RSVP to Tracie Belt [email protected] or Miriam Pardoll [email protected].

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