Shorecrest School

ADHD Support Group

CAE News

Dr. Kelli Cross is once again volunteering to host and share ADHD information, resources and ideas with families to promote an understanding of the gifts and challenges that ADHD can give to parents of ADHD children. The monthly sessions allow parents from the entire St. Petersburg community share, learn and support each other in a casual, friendly atmosphere.
The ADHD Support Group meetings begin this week and will be held in the Shorecrest Library. This is a change of venue, but we think the library will be a great place to meet because of its location and its comfortable, friendly atmosphere.
The monthly ADHD group meets from 6:30pm - 7:30pm, and run from October to February. Each meeting will include a speaker on a topic related to ADHD, time for questions and answers from our featured speaker, as well as Dr. Cross, and of course include time for networking with other parents.
Dr. Cross welcomes all families and hopes that if you know other parents from your neighborhood or another school who would appreciate being part of this special group, please bring them along. We look forward to meeting all of you next Monday.
The ADHD Support Group dates and the scheduled speakers are:
  • Monday, October 13 -  “Intro. To ADHD”- Dr. Kelli Cross
  • Monday, November 10 –“Parenting Strategies with ADHD” -Jay Booker
  • Monday, December 8 - “Mindfulness and ADHD” -Lynn Barrett Stone
  • Monday, January 12 – “The Risk of Addiction” - Michelle and Jake Foerster
  • Monday, February 9 – “Moving up – The transition from Middle School to High School” - Learn from teachers and students who have made a successful transition.

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