Shorecrest School

Tame the Homework Monster, Oct 5

CAE News

Join The Learning Center on Monday, October 5 for a Lunch and Learn parent seminar in the SAC from 12-1 pm. The seminar topic is Taming the Homework Monster: Tips, Tools and Solutions for Stress-Free Homework.

This session is packed with information parents need to end homework headaches, which often frustrate both the parent and student. Find solutions to some of the typical homework battles. Is your child a rusher? What should you do about a procrastinator or an avoider? How about the easily frustrated student?
Tracie Belt and Jan Miller from The Learning Center at Shorecrest will present practical ideas for parents of students in High School, Middle School and Elementary School. Parents will come away with ideas for setting up homework routines, establishing expectations and, providing the right study tool that will work for their child’s unique needs. The solutions offered can make a real difference in your child’s view of homework! More importantly, they can help keep homework time positive.

Have you ever found yourself frustrated from dealing with a crying child or ended a homework session in anger? If so plan to join us on Oct 5 to learn research-based and field-tested solutions to keeping nightly homework time a supportive time of day. Parents are encouraged to bring their questions, or any other specific, unique challenges that they face when dealing with the homework monster.
You are welcome to bring your lunch. The Learning Center will provide coffee and dessert. Feel free to bring friends with students in other schools. RSVP to Tracie Belt at x220 if you can attend. We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!

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