Shorecrest School

Service, Leadership, Solidarity and My Buzzed Head

Head of School Letter

When sophomore Jordan J asked me to join him in shaving our heads as an act of solidarity with Olivia R, another 10th grader who is undergoing chemotherapy to fight a lymphoma tumor, I said, “For $1000 for Relay For Life.” His father, Marc, was standing by and blurted out, “Done.” I immediately knew that I had left money on the table.
Fortunately, Billy Hume from Billy’s Corner Barber Shop on 4th Street agreed to do the head buzz and to help raise money for Relay. Then my son, Matt, said he would help collect at his bar in Washington, D.C. Together, I am hoping we will make a healthy contribution to Relay For Life and show Olivia that people care about her and others who have cancer.
Jordan’s initiative is one of many examples of student leadership and commitment to service on the Shorecrest campus. Seniors Ali A and Milan S, the Co-Chairs of this year’s Relay, are organizing meetings, people and activities like experienced CEOs. No one has ever done as much for pre-Relay fundraising as 10th grader Courtney M. 8th grader William N has demonstrated leadership and persistence in his efforts to attract sponsors for the Relay event. It is a joy to see these student-leaders in action.
There are dozens of other students organizing Relay Teams, planning fundraising events and showing that they want to make a difference in the lives of people around our community. We would all like to reach the Million Dollar goal on this tenth year of Relay at Shorecrest. Regardless, I am inspired by the leadership, concern for others and initiative demonstrated by our Shorecrest students as they commit to this service endeavor.
It is fabulous to be around people who are not “Too tired,” “Too busy,” or self-absorbed to take on major roles. So, when a 16-year-old is willing to buzz his head to show solidarity for a classmate and friend and to raise money for ACS and Relay, why should a 64-year-old even think twice about supporting the cause? I imagine my buzzed head will warrant a few questions in the coming days.
The answer is simple: “I care.”

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