Shorecrest School

When Less Is More

Head of School Letter

“Johnny, 100% on your math quiz! Why don’t you do that all the time?”
“Great game, Sally. Too bad Ginny didn’t pass to you more often.”
“Your teacher called and said you will be the Citizen of the Month. I wish you would be that nice to your sister.”
One of the hardest parts about being a great teacher, and great parent, is knowing how to give a compliment and let it stick. The temptation to use praise as a lesson for future behavior or in a comparative manner can change how the intended compliment is perceived.
Although the expression "Less is More" is commonly shared, few people model the concept. Post game reviews are better left to the coaches. The best advice I have ever heard from a coach to parents was for the parents to tell their children that they enjoyed watching them play. The best advice I have heard from a teacher was to compliment the child’s effort. Some talented teachers and parents have the wisdom to say just enough to make the child feel acknowledged but not so much as to create unintended pressure. These are the people who know when less is more.


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