Shorecrest School

Getting There

Head of School Letter

I am convinced our Shorecrest school community is united in wanting high quality, academic, value focused, safe, college preparatory educational programs. From a broader community point of view we want facilities, teachers, administrators and staff that allow our school to stand out regionally and nationally. We want the local community, the state and universities to view our students and the education they receive to be second to none. We want to ensure that our students have great opportunities while they are at Shorecrest and once they move on to the next stage of their lives.

We have families who look at our Strategic Plan and cheer on our efforts to deepen our culture and community, to strengthen our commitment to diversity, inclusion and equity, to build upon the innovation in teaching and learning school-wide, to remain focused on the success and well being of our students and to complete the Transform Campaign and ensure that the financial model of the school ensures a strong future for Shorecrest in the Tampa Bay community.

We have families who have stepped up and contributed the initial $6 million to launch Transform. We have families who have reached out to learn more and join those initial supporters and philanthropists. We know that our community has the financial capacity to complete the Transform Campaign, build our endowment, support our faculty, invest in the educational needs of students who need financial aid and ensure that tuition remains within the reach of families committed to our independent school quality education.

Regularly, I reflect on how fortunate we are that the generations that came before us had the vision and willingness to support faculty and staff, build modern facilities and support academic, arts and athletic programs. Shorecrest has evolved from gazebos, to reclaimed dog kennels, to block units, to a wonderful gym that outlived the growing needs of the school and our Florida weather to our current state. And now, Transform, with the Community Commons and Innovation Center, combined with the expansive green space, for playgrounds and gathering spots and finally a centralized Center for Administrative functions and endowment funds, gives us the opportunity to see the current master plan completed. More importantly, it gives our youngest children in Alpha and JK the most exciting early childhood center in Tampa Bay and provides a food service program and clean, air conditioned and flexible dining area for children of all ages. Transform provides technology and innovation spaces. Transform provides space for community gatherings, Transform completes the classroom needs for our Lower School students, Transform provides our Community Association (SCA) a work space and gathering spot adjacent to the Community Cafe.

In the coming months members of our community will hear the words “Join Me.” We will all be asked to join in to assure that our vision and dreams for our children and future generations are guaranteed. This phase of the Campaign is known as the “REACH” phase. I encourage all families to look at the videos on I encourage all families to learn about Transform and come visit Michael Gillis, our Director of Advancement, with Board members, with members of the Campaign Leadership Team and/or with me. Together we can not only make Transform happen, we have the capacity to exceed all our goals and springboard the school into other strategic goals that will support our children and their teachers. When we Reach, we will meet and exceed our strategic goals. Now is the time. Let’s get there.



P.S. Please save the date for a community groundbreaking ceremony for the Transform Campaign on Thursday, May 24 at 6:00pm on campus.

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