Shorecrest School

Food Glorious Food

Head of School Letter

I am pretty sure there is a song about that!
During the past week, representatives from SAGE Dining Services met with about 100 parents and guardians to answer questions about the Community-Inclusive Dining Program that will begin in March. Our community, like most other communities who have transitioned from a retail “fast food” approach of food service to a full Community-Inclusive nutritional choice program, have had questions about allergies, choice and value. Some participants have had questions about procedures that have been very helpful as we prepare for March. Last week in Ebytes we published Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and a video describing the Community-Inclusive program benefits.
Fortunately, the implementation of a Community-Inclusive Dining Program is not a bleeding edge or even a cutting-edge innovation. In fact, Shorecrest is my first independent school that has not had Community-Inclusive Dining. We also do not have a dining room. Soon we will. At Columbus School for Girls and at The Ensworth School we ate family-style with children and teachers passing bowls of food around our assigned tables. At Pace Academy, students had the greater independence of going through lines with the staff assisting with choices, just like we plan to do for our Shorecrest K-12 students.
At Shorecrest our initial plan is to have Alpha and JK eat family-style in their new classrooms and outdoor areas. SAGE will bring bowls of food and teachers and volunteers will assist children in building a balanced meal and trying new tastes with friends. Kindergarten through twelfth grade will eat in the dining rooms and will receive age-appropriate support in food selection. If you have not been to a presentation or have not read and watched the FAQs and video that were shared last week, you may not know about the variety and high standards in food quality of the SAGE Community-Inclusive Dining Program. I hope you take a moment to watch the video and read the information we published for you last week in Ebytes.
I also hope all parents/guardians will join us on February 28 at 5-7pm for our “Toast and Tour,” an adults-only sneak peek of the new facility. There will be child care provided. Then, from March 18-29, when we are offering free lunch as a part of the introduction to the Community-Inclusive Dining Program, I hope parents/guardians will dine with us. We are all about to see that food is going to get healthier and more delicious at Shorecrest!


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