
Added Value

Added Value

Head of School Letter

The Class of 2019 is being accepted into an impressive list of colleges and universities. The momentary high of being accepted is heightened by the knowledge that our students have learned how to write, how to study and how to complete heavy work loads with excellent results. One can accept or turn down a college acceptance. The habits of mind students learn over the years at Shorecrest can be applied anywhere. It is tempting to give the acceptance list more attention than the success rate of our students once they enter school. Obviously, many factors contribute to the future successes of our Shorecrest grads; but I know that the skills and habits of mind they learned while attending are important and a wonderful added value to our graduates and their families.

The student leaders who organized and executed Relay For Life have provided our community, and all those served by The American Cancer Society, an important service. Beyond the important money raised for Relay, new student leaders emerged and many people were provided education and hope that cancer can be defeated. Middle School students bring a great deal of passion and joy to Relay. The seniors who led the event this year started team organization and fundraising when they were in Middle School. The Seniors are role models and give younger students an insight into the very best of what a Shorecrest graduate can be. (Find a 2019 Relay For Life recap here.)

And if you attended "Cinderella," many of the Relay For Life students leaders were on stage. Our younger students learn through the example of our talented Upper School students that the sky is attainable. It is pretty hard to put a price tag on the lessons learned when older students are positive role models for our younger students. Maybe priceless!

We are thankful for the teachers who take the time to make the call to share about the special effort a child made. We appreciate the teachers who take children on trips and expose them to new opportunities and adventures. We remember the teachers and coaches who came early and stayed late to support a young person and maybe a family. These acts may not be in the job description, but they are included in the definition of a great teacher/coach. They are remembered for the value they added to a young person’s education and life.
We find that the best volunteers and best Servant-Leaders are quite humble. They do not seek out recognition for the hundreds of behind the scenes actions they perform for our community. What would the school play be like if it were not for the family members and older students who labored over costumes, props and overall cast support? When would our teachers ever have time to create class displays of student work and create materials to enhance projects if it were not for the Helping Hands volunteers who come week after week to support our teachers? How many Chargers have been lifted up by the acts of kindness the families involved in Shorecrest Cares provides? The value and added value provided by generous people is not missed by me.

Someone volunteered while another made a donation. Many went the “extra-mile.” It really does take a village to provide children and their families with a complete educational community experience. We are stronger because so many people sacrifice, time, talent and resources to support the greater good. Because of these great teachers, coaches, families and students, the school experience goes way beyond the transactional relationship we may have when buying a product. The added value provided by these wonderful people makes the relationship personal. We are fortunate to have so many of these people at Shorecrest.

I was once in a group that was asked, “What gets you up every morning?” Being around people who provide the added value motivates and inspires me. How about you?



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Added Value