Shorecrest School

Alpha on the Go-athon, May 2

Experiential School News

We are excited to announce the Alpha On the Go-Athon, an Alpha-powered Transportation Event that will take place on May 2, 8:30 - 10am. Each student can choose their most comfortable vehicle to ride. Possible transportation options include:
  • Big Wheels
  • Scooters
  • Tricycles
  • Balance bicycles
  • Bicycles with training wheels
  • 2-wheeled bicycles
To practice at school, the Alpha teachers request the following items be sent to school on Wednesday, April 10, and stay at school until after the Alpha-Powered Transportation Event on May 2: a helmet and a riding vehicle - both labeled with your child’s name. Alpha classes will ride around the course every day leading up to the culminating event. Every night, helmets and riding vehicles will be securely stored.

April 10, Helmet and Riding Toy Drop-Off:
Please park and drop off your child’s riding toy and helmet either after morning carline concludes or before afternoon carline begins (after 8am and before 2:30pm). Walk your child’s riding toy to the ES playground and line it up against the wall beside Ms. Daley’s classroom or Ms. Styke’s classroom.

May 2, Helmet and Riding Toy Pick-Up:
Please take your child’s riding toy and helmet home after the conclusion of the Alpha-Powered Transportation Event. If you cannot attend the event, please email your child’s teacher and make arrangements to pick up your child’s riding toy and helmet.

Please save the date: May 2, 8:30 - 10am! 

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